Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brooklyn Commune

We had beautiful weather this weekend.  Brooklyn is best in fall.  The quality of the light filtering through the clouds and the fall colours in the park and elsewhere can make even the most mundane blocks seem a little romantic.  After dropping the girls at their class, we managed to check out the Postmark Cafe.  It was not life changing, but the latte was good and the bench outside was the perfect place to enjoy the season while Darshan puttered around.  

On our way back from the library in the afternoon and too tired to contemplate preparing dinner we checked out Brooklyn Commune on Greenwood Avenue.  It is very stylish and appealing in a modernist way: blond wood, high ceilings, big windows, an elegant marquee.  The food was good, had variety, was not overpriced and passed what I call the leftover test: it tasted good even when eaten cold the next day.  I think we will be back.  

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